필리핀어학연수-우리어학원(We Academy)

talk talk talk 책속의 유용한표현들 본문


talk talk talk 책속의 유용한표현들

weacademy 2008. 2. 6. 14:57

What does this mean?
The bottom line is that I am paid to win games, not to promote good will.
The "bottom line" is the sum of a column of figures, such as an accountant might
make. So it is the final, most important, result.
Explain what the underlined words mean
1. My wife and I are retired and living on a [fixed income.]
2. They have two children and are fairly [well-off.]
3. Tell him, [in no uncertain terms,] that he must get a job.
4. My wife and I have a typical marriage, with the usual [ups and downs.]
5. Jane accepted her divorce [matter-of-factly.]
6. My personal recipe for success is: do what you love and don't [look at the clock.]
7. It is certainly a strong argument against euthanizing pets until [all possible alternatives have been explored.]
8. Never engage in a shouting natch with your daughter. If she screams, [bite your tongue,] lower your voice and say anything you feel compelled to say in a voice only slightly above a whisper. If you can't manage that, tell her quietly that you will discuss the subject with her when you are calmer. Then do it.
9. Mom has made it plain that [under no circumstances] will she ever line in a retirement home.
10. Jimmy is too selfish. He has no notion of [give-and-take] with other children.
11. Defence driver
12. Sunday driver
13. Peer pressure
14. big mouth
15. skirt chaser
16. Nine-to-five job
17. Prenuptial agreement
18. Social drinker
19. Back stabber
20. Back slapper
21. Golden years
22. Mr. (or Ms.) Right
23. Yuppie
24. Spin doctor


1. 일정한 수입. 예를 들면 한달에 100만원, 이렇게 고정된 수입을 가지고 살아간다는거죠 고정수입
2. 돈이 많다는 뜻입니다~
3. 확실하게, (두리뭉실하게 돌려 말하지 말고)
4. 음 좋을 때도 있고 나쁠때도 있고..
8. 입술을 꽉 깨물고
6. 시간에 쫓기지 말란 거죠 그런 거 신경쓰지 말구
7.모든 대안을 생각해 봤을 경우
5. 진짜로.실제로.
9.어떤 경우에도 실버타운에 들어가지 않겠다! 라고 한거죠.
10 말 그대로, 기브 앤 테이크;
11 defence driver 란 말은 없고;; defensive driver 는 있는데..
안전하게 운전하는 사람이죠
12 느리게 안전운전하는 사람
13 그러니까, 또래집단의 압력이라고 해야하나.
남들이 뭐 하면 같이 해야되고 그런 거요, 특히 동갑내기들 사이에서.
14 수다쟁이, 말 잘 퍼뜨리는 애들이요
15 여자를 잘 쫓아다니는 남자
16 그냥 평범한 샐러리맨 직업을 말합니다 9시출근 5시 최근
17 결혼 전에 계약같은 걸 하는 거죠. 나중에 뭘 나눠서 하고 나눠 가지고 어쩌고;;
이런 것들이죠 대강.
18 술이 좋아서 마시는게 아니라 친교 목적으로 술을 마시는 사람들이죠
적당적당히 마시는 사람들
19 배신 때리는 사람들
20 좀 심하게 엄청 착하고 선한 사람.
21 황금기
22 바른생활 사나이 같은 거요
23 돈 많은 히피.
24 대변인.

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